Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Tupac shakur's Outlaw Napoleon (Mutah Wassin Shabazz Beale) Converts To Islam

2pac’s friend Napoleon converted to Islam, he was a member of the outlawz, later after man had converted and retired from rap, 2 Pac released the song "I aint mad atcha".

Napolean attended Father Mercredi Catholic School to speak about his life and when he became a Muslim. This took place in Fort McMurray, Alberta on May 26, 2010

See more videos about Napoleon Converts To Islam

Monday, 5 September 2011

September 11th in Islam

As Muslims, we strongly condemn the terrorist attack on the two big cities of the United States of America on September 11, 2001 that caused the death and injury
of thousands of innocent people, and offer our condolences to the American people. These attacks carried a very important issue related to the true source of terrorism to the top of the world agenda. By this occasion, it was announced to the entire world that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and that it summons people to compassion and justice. 
The attacks of September 11 were condemned in the strongest terms by most, if not all Islamic leaders, organisations, and countries. The Chairman of Saudi Arabia's Supreme Judicial Council summarised that, 
"Islam rejects such acts, since it forbids killing of civilians even during times of war, especially if they are not part of the fighting. A religion that views people of the world in such a way cannot in any sense condone such criminal acts, which require that their perpetrators and those who support them are held accountable. As a human community we have to be vigilant and careful to preempt these evils."
For more statements by Islamic leaders, see following links:
Religion commands love, mercy and peace. Terror, on the other hand, is the opposite of religion; it is cruel, merciless and it demands bloodshed and misery. This being the case, while looking for the perpetrators of a terrorist act, its origins should be sought in disbelief rather than in religion. People with a fascist, communist, racist or materialist outlook on life should be suspected as potential perpetrators. The name or the identity of the terrorists is not important. If he can kill innocent people without blinking an eye, then he is a disbeliever, not a believer. He is a murderer with no fear of God, whose main ambition is to shed blood and to give harm. For this reason, "Islamic terror", "Jewish terror", "Christian terror" are quite erroneous concepts. That is because, neither the religion of Islam, nor other religions can by no means concur with terror. On the contrary, "terror" (i.e. murders committed against innocent people) in Islam is a great sin and Muslims are responsible for preventing these acts and bringing peace and justice to the world.