Thursday, 30 May 2013

Amazing Response to the Woolwich Killing - Shaykh Shams Ad Duha

This Friday sermon presents a response by a British Imam (muslim scholar) to the killing of Lee Rigby in Woolwich and how extremism can take root when the teachings of Islam are distorted and promoted in the fringes.

Glossary of Arabic Terms:
Subhanahu wa ta'ala - Glorified and Exalted is He
Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - Peace and blessings be upon him
Deen - Religion
Shari' / Shari'ah - Islamic legislation
Ulama - Islamic Scholars
Khilafah - Caliphate

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Revival of the Religions Sciences (Ihya Ulum al-Din إحياء علوم الأديان)

The Revival of the Religions Sciences (Ihya Ulum al-Din) is widely regarded as one of the great work of Muslim spirituality, and has, for centuries, been the widely read work in the Muslim world.

The masterpiece of Imam al-Ghazali, unquestionably one of the greatest thinkers and theologians of Islam. 
It is divided into four parts each containing ten chapters. 

First part deals with knowledge and the requirements of faith—ritual purity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, recitation of the Qur'an, etc.; Part two concentrates mostly on people and society—the manners relating to eating, marriage, earning a living, friendship, etc.; Parts three and four are dedicated to the inner life of the soul and discuss first the vices that people must overcome in themselves and then the virtues that they must strive to achieve.

Volume 1 - Book of Worship, 
Volume 2 - Book of Worldly Usages, 
Volume 3 - Book of Destructive Evils, 
Volume 4 - Book of Constructive Virtues. 

As far as we know this is the only English Translation of the complete set of this well known Work of Imam Al-Ghazali (Although Parts of it may be Abridged translation)

The Quality of the Print and the translation does not do justice to this Monumental Work, (For a better Quality Print and Level of translation see the translations of Individual Sections 

Some have criticised the book for quoting Weak Hadith and other traditions. This is true, however Imam Ghazali was well aware of the Rulings of the fuqaha (Jurists) of his time and he himself followed the Shaf'ee fiqh and he does not use these weak traditions as a basis for deriving Hukm (Rule) Shar'ee. Rather he uses it in the process of tackling some real Issues that we face during the course of everyday Life. 

Click here to purchase it from Amazon:
Click here to purchase it from Kitaabun:
Click here for more recommended books:

Watch weekly lessons available on youtube, based on this book:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Prophet Muhammad's Name Found in the Bible

The name "Muhammad" has been discovered in the Bible in the original Hebrew language.
In the 5th chapter of the Shir haShirim ( שיר השירים ), which is one of the five megilot or Sacred Scrolls that are part of the Hebrew Bible or for short the "Song of Solomon" (also called "Song of Songs"). That chapter is giving a prophecy about an individual to come, a mystery man. 

Song of Songs 5:15 compares this prophetic mystery man to the land of "Lebanon" which is the land of the Arabs. This implies that the mystery man would be an Arab.

Song of Songs 5:10 says: "My beloved is white and ruddy, pre-eminent above ten thousand." This is a prophecy of Prophet Muhammad as he conquered Mecca. It is a well known historically documented fact that in the year 630 CE Muhammad entered Mecca as the leader of an army of "ten thousand men". This verse and the preceeding verse (v. 11) also match Muhammad's physical discription as found in Muslim sources (light skin and black hair).

In reading the English translation of Song of Songs 5:16 it finishes the description by saying: "He is altogether lovely" but what most people don't know is that the name of that man was given in the original megilot. Here is the name written in ancient Hebrew as it appears in verse sixteen: מחמד . It is read as : "Mahammad". According to Ben Yehuda's Hebrew-English Dictionary, it is correctly pronounced as "Mahammad". 

If you don't believe me, go to these translator links, paste the name מחמד and then translate it into English. You will see that מחמד is translated as "Muhammad".

You can also see and listen to the Song of Songs in its original form, in Hebrew where Muhammad is mentioned by name in the below link (please notice the "im" in Hebrew is a plural of respect):