Tuesday 23 May 2023

Unveiling the Purpose of Life: An Islamic Sufi Perspective

Unveiling the Purpose of Life: An Islamic Sufi Perspective


Life's purpose has been a subject of contemplation for humanity since time immemorial. People seek meaning, fulfillment, and a sense of direction that transcends the transient nature of our existence. Within the realm of Islam, Sufism, the mystical dimension of the faith, offers profound insights into the purpose of life. Embarking on a journey through the spiritual path of Sufism allows individuals to delve into the depths of their souls and connect with the divine essence, unveiling the purpose that lies within. In this blog post, we will explore the purpose of life from an Islamic Sufi perspective.

Unity with the Divine:

Islamic Sufism teaches that the ultimate purpose of life is to seek unity with the Divine. Sufis believe that every human being possesses a divine spark within, and the purpose of life is to ignite and nurture that spark, allowing it to merge back with its source—the Creator. This unity is not just a conceptual or intellectual understanding but a deeply experiential and transformative state of being.

Path of Love and Devotion:

Sufism emphasizes the path of love and devotion as a means to attain unity with the Divine. Through love, a Sufi seeks to establish an intimate connection with God, transcending the boundaries of the material world. This love is all-encompassing, extending not only towards the Creator but also towards fellow human beings and all of creation. By fostering love, compassion, and kindness, Sufis believe they can cultivate the divine qualities within themselves and contribute to the betterment of the world.

Self-Realization and Self-Transformation:

Self-realization lies at the heart of Sufi teachings. Sufis strive to unravel the layers of their ego and worldly attachments, recognizing that these are barriers to the realization of their true selves. By purifying the heart and attaining a state of inner awakening, Sufis aim to align their will with the Divine Will. This process of self-transformation requires introspection, self-discipline, and adherence to moral and ethical values.

The Journey of Knowledge:

In Sufism, the journey towards the purpose of life involves seeking spiritual knowledge. Sufis believe that knowledge is not limited to the acquisition of information but encompasses a deeper understanding of the metaphysical reality and the mysteries of existence. Through the study of sacred texts, contemplation, and guidance from spiritual teachers, Sufis gain wisdom that illuminates their path and deepens their connection with the Divine.

Service to Humanity:

Sufis recognize that the purpose of life extends beyond personal spiritual growth. They emphasize the importance of serving humanity as an integral part of their journey towards unity with the Divine. Sufi masters teach that the true servant of God is one who selflessly serves others, displaying acts of kindness, generosity, and social responsibility. Through service, Sufis seek to alleviate the suffering of their fellow beings and contribute to the establishment of justice, peace, and harmony in society.


From an Islamic Sufi perspective, the purpose of life is to seek unity with the Divine through love, devotion, self-realization, and service to humanity. Sufism offers a transformative path that goes beyond mere theoretical understanding and encourages individuals to embark on a personal journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment. By nurturing the divine spark within and cultivating virtues such as love, compassion, and selflessness, Sufis strive to fulfill their purpose and experience the ultimate union with the Creator. May this exploration of the Islamic Sufi perspective on the purpose of life inspire us to embark on our own spiritual journeys, transcending the boundaries of our existence and connecting with the eternal truth that lies within.

Friday 19 May 2023

What is Ihsan and how is it related to Sufism?

In Islamic tradition, the concept of Ihsan is derived from a famous hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) known as Hadith Jibril or Hadith of Gabriel. This hadith is found in Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari, which are considered two of the most authentic collections of hadith.

In the Hadith of Gabriel, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) narrates an encounter with the angel Gabriel in the form of a man who came to teach him about the different levels of religion. When asked about Ihsan, Gabriel explained it as follows:

"Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not achieve this state of devotion, then know that Allah sees you."

This hadith highlights the concept of Ihsan, which can be understood as the highest level of faith and excellence in worship. It encompasses a sense of excellence, perfection, and sincerity in one's relationship with Allah and in one's actions.

The hadith suggests that believers should strive to worship Allah with the utmost devotion, as if they can see Him, even though they cannot physically see Him. This implies a deep awareness of Allah's presence, as well as a profound reverence and consciousness in performing acts of worship.

Furthermore, the hadith emphasizes that even if one does not attain the state of constantly feeling the presence of Allah, they should remember that Allah sees and knows everything they do. This serves as a reminder to be conscious of one's actions, intentions, and thoughts at all times, knowing that they are always in the sight of Allah.

Overall, the hadith regarding Ihsan teaches Muslims to strive for excellence in their worship, to maintain a profound awareness of Allah's presence, and to act with sincerity and consciousness in all aspects of life. It encourages believers to cultivate a deep and personal connection with Allah, always striving to do their best and seek nearness to Him.

The concept of Ihsan is closely related to Sufism, which is a mystical branch of Islam. Sufism emphasizes the inward dimension of Islam, focusing on the purification of the heart and the attainment of spiritual closeness to Allah.

Sufism places a strong emphasis on Ihsan as a central aspect of its teachings. Sufis strive to attain the state of Ihsan, which involves a deep awareness of the Divine presence, sincere devotion, and the perfection of one's character and actions.

Sufis seek to experience a direct and intimate connection with Allah, often described as the "Divine Beloved." They strive to cultivate a state of constant remembrance and consciousness of Allah, aiming to worship Him as if they can see Him.

In Sufism, Ihsan is often associated with concepts such as love, devotion, spiritual excellence, and selflessness. Sufis believe that through practicing Ihsan, individuals can transcend their ego, purify their hearts, and attain a higher level of spiritual realization.

Sufi practices such as dhikr (remembrance of Allah), meditation, contemplation, and seeking the guidance of a spiritual teacher (Murshid) are all aimed at developing the state of Ihsan. Sufi poetry, music, and dance are also seen as vehicles for expressing the inner states of devotion and longing for the Divine.

Overall, Sufism places great importance on the concept of Ihsan as a means to attain spiritual enlightenment, purification of the soul, and a deeper understanding of the Divine. It offers a path of experiential knowledge and seeks to transform the believer's relationship with Allah into one of deep love, devotion, and closeness.