In Islam
, Yawm al-Qiyāmah "the Day of Resurrection" (Arabic: يوم القيامة) or Yawm ad-Din "the Day of Judgement" (Arabic: يوم الدين) is God's final assessment of humanity. al-Qiyāmah is also the name of the 75th surah of the Qur'an
The sequence of events according to the most common understanding is the annihilation of all creatures, resurrection of the body and the judgment of all sentient creatures. The time of the Hour is not known however there are Major and Minor Signs which are to, according to Islam, occur near the time of Qiyamah (Doomsday). Final judgment forms one of the main themes of the Qur'an. Many Qur'anic verses, especially the earliest ones, are dominated by the idea of the nearing Day of Resurrection.
Belief in al-Qiyāmah is considered a fundamental tenet of faith by all Muslims. The trials and tribulations associated with it are detailed in both the Qur'an and the hadith, as well as in the commentaries of the Islamic expositors and scholarly authorities such as al-Ghazali, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Majah, Muhammad al-Bukhari, and Ibn Khuzaimah who explain them in detail. Every human, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, is held accountable for his or her deeds and are judged by God accordingly.
The importance of the Last Judgement is underlined by the many references to it in the Qur'an and its many names. For example, it is also called "the Day of Reckoning", "the Hour", "Day of the Account", "Day of the Gathering", "Day of the Reckoning", and the "Great Announcement".
The Minor Signs Of Judgment Day
What are they waiting for but for the hour to come upon them suddenly? Its signs have already come. What good will their reminder be to them when it does arrive?
- When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions. (Abu Musa Ash'ari)
- When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy. (Abu Musa Ash'ari)
- Music and musical instruments will be found in every home. (Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood)
- When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common. (Abu Musa Ash'ari)
- You shall see the barefoot, naked, shepherds compete in building tall structures. (Sahih Muslim)
The Major Signs Of Judgement Day
The major signs are those that will occur closer to the Day of Judgment, and they are said to be very extraordinary.These are the seven major signs of this day.
1) The Appearance of Al-Maseeh-ud-Dajjal, the False Messiah. Ad-Dajjal is said to be a beast who will come claiming to be God holding heaven and hell. His sole purpose is to deceive people and lead them away from the remembrance of Allah, and the unbelievers will follow him. He will have only one good eye and he will be blind in the other eye. On his forehead there will be a sign saying "Kafir," or disbeliever. He will perform some miracles which will serve to deceive some people.
The prophet Muhammed warned,
Whoever hears about the coming of Ad-Dajjal should stay away from him because by Allah, a man could come to him thinking of himself a strong believer but then he will follow Ad-Dajjal because of the doubts he will spread
There are many deceiving miracles Ad-Dajjal will perform to mislead the people on earth. He will appear between the cities of Iraq and Syria and will create disaster left and right. He will command the sky to rain and it will rain. He will command the earth, and it will produce crops. After grazing on these crops, their animals will return with their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. When he will call people to come to a false region with him and they reject his call, he will leave them and they will suffer famine and will possess no form of wealth. Then lastly he will call a young man brimming with youth; he will strike him with a sword and cut him in two, then place the two pieces at a distance between an archer and his target. Then he will call to him, and the young man will come to him running and laughing. visit the quran to learn more. At that point, Allah will send Isa, Jesus. He will search for the Ad-Dajjal and will find him at the Gate of Ludd (a city in israel). They will engage in fierce battle and Isa will win. Then the Ad-Dajjal will be no more.
2) The Appearance of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj: Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are two hidden tribes of people.These tribes were disbelieving descendants of prophet Adam. They will come in enormous numbers and will outnumber all the believers of the world. They will break through a barrier that Allah created to hold them back and ravage the earth. They will drink all the water, destroy plants and animals and kill people. This will occur roughly around the time of the second coming of Prophet Isa, Jesus. Finally, Allah will send a type of worm or insect that will wipe them out.
3) The appearance of the Dabbat al-ard (the strange beast): The Dabbah is a strange beast who will have the Rod of Moses and the seal of Solomon. He will call people back to Islam. Some will heed to the call while others will reject it. The believers will then have a sign that says: "Believer" while the disbelievers will have a "Disbeliever" sign. The exact description of the animal is unknown.
4) Three Huge Earthquakes: Three major earthquakes will occur on the day of judgment and they will damage a great deal of the earth. One earthquake will occur in the east, another in the west, and the third will be in the Arabian Peninsula.
5) The Smoke: Smoke will appear all over the earth that will cause believers to catch something similar to the common cold, whereas disbelivers will be hit harder by it. Finally, a cool wind will cause all the believers to die. This leaves all the unbelievers left on earth to experience the last hour of the day of judgment.
6) The Sun will Rise from the West: This will be a major sign indicating that the world has reached its end. Allah has created the sun and He always made it rise in the East, however, at the end of time He will reverse this process by making it rise from the West. Once this happens, Allah will not accept the repentance of the disbelievers, it will be too late for them. "The rising of the sun to half of the sky after continuous darkness (in Arabian Peninsula) equal to the time of three days. The sun will set again in it's direction after reaching the sky's middle" as stated by the prophet goes parallel to the phenomenon of the polar shift.
7) The return of Prophet Jesus. Authentic narrations indicate that one of the major signs is that Prophet Jesus will descend from the heavens in Damascus. Prophet Jesus will be the one to lead the believers in battle against the forces of The Dajjal. It is said that he will "break the cross" (disassociate himself from the Christianity of the day) and "kill the pigs" (return to the eating habits of the Jews).
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