Wednesday, 6 April 2011

What Do Muslims / Islam Say About Easter? Jesus's Death?

In much of today's decadent Western world Easter is mainly associated with a few more days off and with tasty chocolate eggs. However, for practicing Christians Easter marks the biggest, most breath taking celebration of the year! At that time they are reminded that Jesus died on a cross to pay the punishment for their sins and of his subsequent resurrection. This profound truth that has changed the lives of countless millions of people ever since it is also strongly indicated in the Quran.

Muslims do not celebrate Easter. Muslims are taught and believe that Jesus did not die on the cross. "They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did." (Quran 4:156)

They also do not celebrate Easter because it's not part of the religious dispensation as revealed via Muhammad, pbuh.  For example: Christians have their own calendar and holy days, scripture, laws, sabbath, etc. They are a different religious dispensation from Judaism, so they do not celebrate the Jewish holidays. Yes, they believe that Moses was sent by God, but they follow Jesus and his teachings instead.  As with Muslims, they follow Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings and observe the Muslim calendar, holy days, laws, worship day, etc.

1 comment:

Knowledge Seeker said...

Asalamo aleacom warahmato Allah wabarakato

Thank you.

I would like to share with you the following links. I hope you find them useful.

Islam religon

Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)

Discover the tuth about Islam

Islamic invitation


Thank you

Wasalam aleacom

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