99:1 | When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion, |
Itha zulzilati al-ardu zilzalaha | |
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99:2 | And the earth throws up her burdens (from within), |
Waakhrajati al-ardu athqalaha | |
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99:3 | And man cries (distressed): 'What is the matter with her?'- |
Waqala al-insanu ma laha | |
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Now think this is how HOT a volcano is, can you even imagine the intense heat of HELL?
Islam teaches that Hell is a real place prepared by God for those who do not believe in Him, rebel against His laws, and reject His messengers. Hell is an actual place, not a mere state of mind or a spiritual entity. The horrors, pain, anguish, and punishment are all real, but different in nature than their earthly counterparts. Hell is the ultimate humiliation and loss, and nothing is worse than it

“Know they not that whoever opposes God and His Messenger (Muhammad), certainly for him will be the Fire of Hell to abide therein? That is the extreme disgrace.” (Quran 9:63)
Its Levels Hell has various levels of heat and punishment, each is reserved according to the extent of their disbelief and sins of those being punished. God says:
“Surely, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire.” (Quran 4:145)
The lower the level of Hell, the greater is the intensity of heat. Since the hypocrites will suffer the worst punishment, so will they be in the lowest part of Hell.
Let this be a reminder for us all. Strive to do good and remember our destination - THE GRAVE!.
OH Allah! Please forgive our sins, indeed we are your sinful slaves.
OH Allah! Please forgive our sins, indeed we are your sinful slaves.
Save us from the torment of the fire of hell... Ameen
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