Make Me A Muslim was on Wednesday, 30 January at 9pm on BBC Three.
Shanna Bukhari met Alana, who became a devout Muslim after she met her fiancé
Saffiyah: 'Islam was so appealing to me... because it was a religion where it was quite conservative'
Inaya converted to Islam after a difficult time in her life
Growing numbers of young British women are converting to Islam. Shanna Bukhari, a 26-year-old Muslim from Manchester, sets out to find out why girls are giving up partying, drinking and wearing whatever they want for a religion some people associate with the oppression of women.
This warm documentary follows the highs and lows of five girls as they embrace their new faith. From adapting to a religion that allows a man to marry up to four wives to the acceptance of friends and family, it isn't always easy. Below are some of the converts that the presenter met.

Safiyyah below was the first one we knew was totally right for the film.

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If you missed the documentary you can watch it here:
If you missed the documentary you can watch it here: