Wednesday, 10 July 2013

David Cameron's Ramadan 2013 Message


I’d like to send my sincere greetings to everyone observing the Holy month of Ramadan.
This is a month which demonstrates the true spirit of Islam.
Muslims in Britain and around the world will sacrifice the day-to-day luxuries that we can take for granted, they will pray for people in need, and they will fast to show devotion to God and recognise those who go hungry in our world.

I am very proud to be Prime Minister of a nation in which people can freely practise their beliefs.
And it should be a source of pride to all Muslims that this month, even those living with extreme hardships will give up the little they have and pray for others.
Many will be praying for Muslims around the world. Those caught up in conflict, those who are seeking justice and democracy, or those living in the poorest regions on earth, who struggle to get by day to day.
As Prime Minister I am delighted that the British Government has been able to keep its promise to invest 0.7% of our gross national income on helping the world’s poorest and I am grateful that we have been able to partner with Muslim and other organisations to help those in need overseas.

Ramadan is a shining example of how humanity can come together in a positive way for a common good, and I pay tribute to all those who take part. 

To Muslims at home and overseas I wish you: Ramadan Kareem!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Channel 4 To Broadcast Daily Muslim Call To Prayer (Azaan) During Ramadan

Morning call: Channel 4 will broadcast the first call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan. There are five calls to prayer each day
Morning call: Channel 4 will broadcast the first call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan. There are five calls to prayer each day

Channel 4’s head of factual programming Ralph Lee said the channel would act as a ‘nationwide tannoy system’ for Britain’s 2.8million Muslims while they observed Ramadan.
He said almost five per cent of the British population would ‘actively engage’ in Ramadan this month, adding: ‘Can we say the same of other national events that have received blanket coverage on television such as the Queen’s coronation anniversary?’ 

Critics questioned whether the decision to transmit the call to prayer was a ‘publicity-seeking stunt’ by the controversial broadcaster.

Mr Lee said Ramadan usually received minimal coverage on Britain’s main television channels and said he believed Channel 4’s series of programmes during July and August was chance for Britain’s moderate Muslims to be heard.

Listen to the call to prayer: 

Read more:

Monday, 1 July 2013

Magic and the Occult in Islam: Ahmad al-Buni (622H/1225CE?) and his Shams Al-Ma'arif