Morning call: Channel 4 will broadcast the first call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan. There are five calls to prayer each day
Channel 4’s head of factual programming Ralph Lee said the channel would act as a ‘nationwide tannoy system’ for Britain’s 2.8million Muslims while they observed Ramadan.
He said almost five per cent of the British population would ‘actively engage’ in Ramadan this month, adding: ‘Can we say the same of other national events that have received blanket coverage on television such as the Queen’s coronation anniversary?’
Critics questioned whether the decision to transmit the call to prayer was a ‘publicity-seeking stunt’ by the controversial broadcaster.
Mr Lee said Ramadan usually received minimal coverage on Britain’s main television channels and said he believed Channel 4’s series of programmes during July and August was chance for Britain’s moderate Muslims to be heard.
Listen to the call to prayer:
Listen to the call to prayer:
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2353250/Channel-4-broadcast-daily-Muslim-prayer-Ramadan-month.html#ixzz2XsNr3AhG
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