Do you know the standards of Iblees, what is the standard of Iblees? "I am better than him?"
You created me from fire and created him from clay. That is the standard of Iblees, "I am better than him!"
However, the standards of Muhammad (pbuh)
increases in tranquillity and humbleness, increases in mercy, increase in kindness to creation and as a person reaches a level of knowledge or attachment to his religion - by knowledge by reading or understanding of a certain ruling or by attachment waking up in the night and fasting during the day the sign of truth in this is not just the image of the person itself, rather it is by the character and interactions of this person.
A sign of mistrust or falseness in this is that he have no character or that the opposite exists as he worships more, he grows angry more. We see some of our brothers, May Allah guide us and them - the more they attach to the deen, the more his face grows angry. The more they attach to the deen, the more rude he becomes with people. The more they attach to the deen, the more despising he becomes with the community. The more they attach to the deen, the more harsh he is with his family members that are less attached to the religion. From where did this come from? Why is the attachment to the deen as such? The reason is that the lack of connection between the image of performing a religious act or seeking knowledge and the sincerity in doing so.
The truth is realising the interaction with Allah (SWT) and realising the bounties Allah (SWT) has bestowed us with. Therefore we are in need, for those that seek piety - we should gaze at ourselves and try to find the truthfulness in out hearts. Oh you who Allah (SWT) has blessed to be frequently attending the masjid, what has He (SWT) done so for you? What will be your perception of those outsidfe of the masjid? You will leave the masjid soon, shortly after your prayers, lesson or talk is complete. You may find yourself returning on your way and some young men in a bad state - one of which who raises the level of volume of his radio to the highest level and disturbs 5 or 10 cars around him with dirty and disturbingly harsh music, not caring and raising his voice in an inappropriate manner: HOW WILL YOU PERCEIVE HIM? Will you look at him with compassion and mercy? And say "This person hasn't heard what we have heard, Oh Allah (SWT) as you have provided for us to hear such, provide for him to hear as well and give him success. And if you passed by him and he looked at you, you smiled and said "Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh." and you then continued along calmly, what kind of an impact do you think this will have on his heart?
On the other hand, if you left a lesson and you felt like you have some piety in you, you've learned a lot and have prayed in congregation and you see these men saying "I seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from alShaytaan, the accursed ne! What is this?!? and you were to look at him with a harsh look. This is not seeking refuge in Allah (SWT) from wrongdoing. This is not what seeking refuge is. This is not the way it is done. This is the difference between divine, Mohammadan knowledge and the knowledge of the devil. It was narrated that a student of knowledge was confused "should i go to these people or these" He saw two different gatherings of knowledge. One said we are on the Quran and Sunnah, the other also said they are on the Quran and Sunnah. He was confused saying "Shall I attend this one or this one?" So he went to one of the pious individuals and he told him we shall go to this gathering and that gathering, let me show you.. They stood in the first gathering with the intention of showing the student. He stood in the first gathering with the student and the gathering as the shaykh is speaking. When the shaykh saw this person standing he turned to him and said "Sit Down!" Why are you and the one with you standing?" He replied, "I don't want to sit in your gathering!" The shaykh said "Why don't you want to sit in my gathering?" He replied saying "I have something against you." The shaykh said "I as well have 1000 things against you. Exit you shaytaan, do not ruin our gathering." Ok... The young student that was with him said "Let's leave before they come and hit us".
They then went along to the second gathering and he stood in the same way. So that shaykh paused the lesson. The shaykh turned and said, "Will you be seated?" Notice the difference? "Sit Down!" and "Will you be seated?" He replied to the shaykh "I do not wish to sit in your gathering." The shaykh said "Why?" He said "I have something in my heart against you." The shaykh lowered his head and began to cry. He said "To Allah (SWT) we belong and to Him we will return. I ask for forgiveness from Allah. May Allah (SWT) give you insight on my faults that have been hidden. I seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT)." The shaykh continued to weep and cry. So this elder turned to the young man that asked him and said "So, what gathering are you going to attend.? In this gathering or the other gathering?" So the measurement of piety and deen is apparent in the character of the one seeking piety. If you ever find yourself confused between two sides, each one saying we are on the truth, look at the character of both parties. Wherever fine and pure character is present, religion is present. Wherever fine and pure character is present, pure knowledge is present. And whenever good character is not present, there is no religion and knowledge present.
There is no way there can be piety and religion without good character. There is no way there can be knowledge without good character. So all knowledge or religiosity that does not affect the person with good character, exists a defect in the person's knowledge and religiosity. So this is a way of judging. Let us not take this as a means that we should judge other people. Let us judge ourselves. So we can rectify and correct ourselves for what is between us and Allah (SWT). So, there exists this defect in the person that appears to be of piety and religiosity - either because of the disconnection from understanding the part of religion about good character and dealing with others. Or because of what? This is when a separation exists in society and its judgement about who has more piety than the other and who should be given more attention - and the last point that we mentioned here is ? The appearance of your devotion to Islam on yourself and the result of your devotion to Islam and how you became better. And whosoever does so, it will show that he is genuinely a person of piety and it will show that he has genuinely become a better individual.
This is the way of judging ourselves, if you entered somewhere - do not think of yourself as better than the others. This religion is a religion of good manners with our lord Allah (SWT) and it is a reflection of how we treat and deal with creation. With this, we should renew the way we look at our piety and religiosity because if we review and reflect how we look at your righteousness, we will feel the need for the connection with good character. We ask Allah (SWT) for you and me the most complete of success.
You created me from fire and created him from clay. That is the standard of Iblees, "I am better than him!"
However, the standards of Muhammad (pbuh)
A sign of mistrust or falseness in this is that he have no character or that the opposite exists as he worships more, he grows angry more. We see some of our brothers, May Allah guide us and them - the more they attach to the deen, the more his face grows angry. The more they attach to the deen, the more rude he becomes with people. The more they attach to the deen, the more despising he becomes with the community. The more they attach to the deen, the more harsh he is with his family members that are less attached to the religion. From where did this come from? Why is the attachment to the deen as such? The reason is that the lack of connection between the image of performing a religious act or seeking knowledge and the sincerity in doing so.
The truth is realising the interaction with Allah (SWT) and realising the bounties Allah (SWT) has bestowed us with. Therefore we are in need, for those that seek piety - we should gaze at ourselves and try to find the truthfulness in out hearts. Oh you who Allah (SWT) has blessed to be frequently attending the masjid, what has He (SWT) done so for you? What will be your perception of those outsidfe of the masjid? You will leave the masjid soon, shortly after your prayers, lesson or talk is complete. You may find yourself returning on your way and some young men in a bad state - one of which who raises the level of volume of his radio to the highest level and disturbs 5 or 10 cars around him with dirty and disturbingly harsh music, not caring and raising his voice in an inappropriate manner: HOW WILL YOU PERCEIVE HIM? Will you look at him with compassion and mercy? And say "This person hasn't heard what we have heard, Oh Allah (SWT) as you have provided for us to hear such, provide for him to hear as well and give him success. And if you passed by him and he looked at you, you smiled and said "Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh." and you then continued along calmly, what kind of an impact do you think this will have on his heart?
On the other hand, if you left a lesson and you felt like you have some piety in you, you've learned a lot and have prayed in congregation and you see these men saying "I seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from alShaytaan, the accursed ne! What is this?!? and you were to look at him with a harsh look. This is not seeking refuge in Allah (SWT) from wrongdoing. This is not what seeking refuge is. This is not the way it is done. This is the difference between divine, Mohammadan knowledge and the knowledge of the devil. It was narrated that a student of knowledge was confused "should i go to these people or these" He saw two different gatherings of knowledge. One said we are on the Quran and Sunnah, the other also said they are on the Quran and Sunnah. He was confused saying "Shall I attend this one or this one?" So he went to one of the pious individuals and he told him we shall go to this gathering and that gathering, let me show you.. They stood in the first gathering with the intention of showing the student. He stood in the first gathering with the student and the gathering as the shaykh is speaking. When the shaykh saw this person standing he turned to him and said "Sit Down!" Why are you and the one with you standing?" He replied, "I don't want to sit in your gathering!" The shaykh said "Why don't you want to sit in my gathering?" He replied saying "I have something against you." The shaykh said "I as well have 1000 things against you. Exit you shaytaan, do not ruin our gathering." Ok... The young student that was with him said "Let's leave before they come and hit us".
They then went along to the second gathering and he stood in the same way. So that shaykh paused the lesson. The shaykh turned and said, "Will you be seated?" Notice the difference? "Sit Down!" and "Will you be seated?" He replied to the shaykh "I do not wish to sit in your gathering." The shaykh said "Why?" He said "I have something in my heart against you." The shaykh lowered his head and began to cry. He said "To Allah (SWT) we belong and to Him we will return. I ask for forgiveness from Allah. May Allah (SWT) give you insight on my faults that have been hidden. I seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT)." The shaykh continued to weep and cry. So this elder turned to the young man that asked him and said "So, what gathering are you going to attend.? In this gathering or the other gathering?" So the measurement of piety and deen is apparent in the character of the one seeking piety. If you ever find yourself confused between two sides, each one saying we are on the truth, look at the character of both parties. Wherever fine and pure character is present, religion is present. Wherever fine and pure character is present, pure knowledge is present. And whenever good character is not present, there is no religion and knowledge present.
There is no way there can be piety and religion without good character. There is no way there can be knowledge without good character. So all knowledge or religiosity that does not affect the person with good character, exists a defect in the person's knowledge and religiosity. So this is a way of judging. Let us not take this as a means that we should judge other people. Let us judge ourselves. So we can rectify and correct ourselves for what is between us and Allah (SWT). So, there exists this defect in the person that appears to be of piety and religiosity - either because of the disconnection from understanding the part of religion about good character and dealing with others. Or because of what? This is when a separation exists in society and its judgement about who has more piety than the other and who should be given more attention - and the last point that we mentioned here is ? The appearance of your devotion to Islam on yourself and the result of your devotion to Islam and how you became better. And whosoever does so, it will show that he is genuinely a person of piety and it will show that he has genuinely become a better individual.
This is the way of judging ourselves, if you entered somewhere - do not think of yourself as better than the others. This religion is a religion of good manners with our lord Allah (SWT) and it is a reflection of how we treat and deal with creation. With this, we should renew the way we look at our piety and religiosity because if we review and reflect how we look at your righteousness, we will feel the need for the connection with good character. We ask Allah (SWT) for you and me the most complete of success.
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