Thursday, 2 February 2012

The 99 Names Of Allah

Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 3.894   Narrated byAbu Huraira

Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise." (Please see Hadith No. 419 Vol. 8)

Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 8.419   Narrated byAbu Huraira

Allah has ninety-nine Names, i.e., one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise; and Allah is Witr (one) and loves 'the Witr' (i.e., odd numbers). 

Some selected relevant
verses from the Qur'an
AR-RAHMÂNThe Most Compassionate,
The Beneficent
The Gracious
(27:30)(36:52)(50:33)(55:1)(59:22) (78:38)
AR-RAHÎMThe Merciful(2:163)(3:31)(4:100)(5:3)(5:98)
AL-MALIKThe King(20:114)(23:116)(59:23)(62:1)(114:2)
AL-QUDDÛSThe Most Holy(59:23) (62:1)
AS-SALÂMThe All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace(59:23)
AL-MU'MINThe Granter of security(59:23)
AL-MUHAYMINThe Protector(59:23)
AL-'AZÎZThe Mighty(3:6) (4:158) (9:40) (9:71) (48:7)
(59:23) (61:1)
AL-JABBÂRThe Compeller(59:23)
AL-MUTAKABBIRSupreme in Greatness,
The Majestic
AL-KHÂLIQThe Creator(6:102) (13:16) (39:62)(40:62)(59:24)
AL-BÂRI'The Maker(59:24)
AL-MUSAWWIRThe Bestower of form,
The Shaper
AL-GAFFÂRThe Forgiver(20:82)(38:66)(39:5)(40:42)(71:10)
AL-QAHHÂRThe Subduer(13:16)(14:48)(38:65)(39:4)(40:16)
AL-WAHHÂBThe Bestower(3:8)(38:9)(38:35)
AR-RAZZÂQThe Provider(51:58)
AL-FATTÂHThe Opener, The Judge(34:26)
AL-'ALÎMThe All-Knowing(2:158)(3:92)(4:35)(24:41)(33:40)
AL-QÂBIDThe Withholder(2:245)
AL-BÂSITThe Expander(2:245)
AL-KHÂFIDThe Abaser 
AR-RÂFI'The Exalter 
AL-MU'IZZThe Bestower of honour(3:26)
AL-MUDHILLThe Humiliator(3:26)
AS-SAMÎ'The All-Hearing(2:127) (2:137) (2:256) (8:17) (49:1)
AL-BASÎRThe All-Seeing(4:58) (17:1) (42:11) (42:27) (57:4) (67:19)
AL-HAKAMThe Judge(22:69)
AL-'ADLThe Just, The Equitable 
AL-LATÎFThe Gentle, The Knower of subtleties(6:103) (22:63) (31:16) (33:34) (67:14)
AL-KHABÎRThe All-Aware(6:18) (17:30) (49:13) (59:18) (63:11)
AL-HALÎMThe Forbearing(2:225) (2:235) (17:44) (22:59) (35:41)
AL-'AZÎMThe Incomparably Great(2:255) (42:4) (56:96)
AL-GAFÛRThe Forgiving(2:173) (8:69) (16:110) (41:32) (60:7)
ASH-SHAKÛRThe Appreciative(35:30) (35:34) (42:23) (64:17)
AL-'ALIYYThe Most High(2:255) (4:34) (31:30) (42:4) (42:51)
AL-KABÎRThe Most Great(13:9) (22:62) (31:30) (34:23) (40:12)
AL-HAFÎZThe Preserver(11:57) (34:21) (42:6)
AL-MUGHÎTHThe Sustainer 
AL-HASÎBThe Reckoner(4:6) (4:86) (33:39)
AL-JALÎLThe Majestic, The Revered, The Sublime 
AL-KARÎMThe Generous(27:40) (82:6)
AR-RAQÎBThe Watchful(4:1) (5:117)
AL-MUJÎBThe Responsive(11:61)
AL-WÂSI'The All-Encompassing, The All-Embracing(2:115) (2:261) (2:268) (3:73) (5:54)
AL-HAKÎMThe Wise(2:129) (2:260) (31:27) (46:2) (57:1)
AL-WADÛDThe Loving One(11:90) (85:14)
AL-MAJÎDThe Most Glorious(11:73)
AL-BÂ'ITHThe Resurrector(22:7)page 35
ASH-SHAHÎDThe Witness(4:79)(4:166)(22:17)(41:53)(48:28)
AL-HAQQThe Truth(6:62)(22:6)(23:116)(31:30)
AL-WAKÎLThe Ultimate Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs(3:173) (4:171) (28:28) (33:3) (73:9)
AL-QAWIYYThe Most Strong(22:40)(22:74)(42:19)(57:25)(58:21)
AL-MATÎNThe Firm One, The Authoritative(51:58)
AL-WALIYYThe Protector(3:68) (4:45) (7:196) (42:28) (45:19)
AL-HAMÎDThe All-Praised, The Praiseworthy(14:1) (14:8) (31:12) (31:26) (41:42)
AL-MUHSÎThe Reckoner 
AL-MUBDI'The Originator(10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)
AL-MU'ÎDThe Restorer to life(10:4)(10:34)(27:64)(29:19)(85:13)
AL-MUHYÎThe Giver of life(3:156) (7:158) (15:23)(30:50)(57:2)
AL-MUMÎTThe Causer of death(3:156) (7:158) (15:23) (57:2)
AL-HAYYThe Ever-Living(2:255)(3:2)(20:111)(25:58)(40:65)
AL-QAYYÛMThe Self-Existing by Whom all subsist(2:255) (3:2) (20:111)
AL-WÂJIDThe Self-Sufficient, The All-Perceiving 
AL-MÂJIDThe Glorified 
AL-WÂHIDThe One(2:163) (5:73) (9:31) (18:110) (37:4)
AS-SAMADThe Eternally Besought(112:2)
AL-QÂDIRThe Omnipotent, The Able(6:65) (36:81) (46:33) (75:40) (86:8)
AL-MUQTADIRThe Powerful(18:45) (54:42) (54:55)
AL-MUQADDIMThe Expediter 
AL- MU'AKHKHIRThe Delayer(71:4)
AL-AWWALThe First(57:3)
AL-ÂKHIRThe Last(57:3)
AZ-ZÂHIRThe Manifest(57:3)
AL-BÂTINThe Hidden(57:3)
AL-WÂLÎThe Governor, The Protector 
AL-MUTA'ÂLÎThe Most Exalted(13:9)
AL-BARRThe Benign, The Source of All-Goodness(52:28)
AT-TAWWÂBThe Granter and Accepter of repentence(2:37) (2:128) (4:64) (49:12) (110:3)
AL- MUNTAQIMThe Lord of Retribution, The Avenger(32:22) (43:41) (44:16)
AL-'AFUWWThe Pardoner(4:99) (4:149) (22:60)
AR-RA'ÛFThe Most Kind, The Clement(3:30) (9:117) (57:9) (59:10)
MÂLIK-UL-MULKOwner of the Kingdom(3:26)
DHUL JALÂL WAL IKRÂMPossessor of Majesty and Honour(55:27) (55:78)
AL-MUQSITThe Just, The Equitable(3:18)
AL-JÂME'The Gatherer(3:9)
AL-GHANIYYThe All-Sufficient(2:263) (3:97) (39:7) (47:38) (57:24)
AL-MUGHNÎThe Enricher(9:28)
AL-MÂNI'The Preventer of harm 
AD-DÂRRThe Afflicter 
AN-NÂFI'The Benefiter 
AN-NÛRThe Light(24:35)
AL-HÂDÎThe Guide(25:31)
AL-BADÎ'The Originator(2:117) (6:101)
AL-BÂQÎThe Everlasting(55:27)
AL-WÂRITHThe Ultimate Inheritor(15:23)
AS-SABÛRThe Patient One 

1 comment:

Ahmed said...

Jazakallah for this wonderful post.

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