There is a spiritual connection between us today and generations back to the origins of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Because on the affairs and circumstances on society today, it has great effect on the young children, However the primary thing that affects children are parents, then friends and school. These are things that affect and shape people. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "No baby is born but upon Fitra (as a Muslim). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist." (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426). And then a young person in accordance to the strength his her faith and courage will have an affect in accordance to their connection to the divine. In accordance to the weakness of their faith and knowledge they will be weak and affected by their surroundings.
You as young people, who represent this religion must have strong faith and deep knowledge. As for faith this is knowing the creator who made us, this is the greatest and most important thing to the human being in this universe. Someone who knows the various created things and various electronics, but are ignorant of the creator it is as if they know nothing. The state of such a person is they know material things but have forgotten their own souls! Someone who is ignorant of his own soul, when dealing with things around them, there will be types of corruption that would occur and they will appear crooked and harmed.
The Quran states:
"And be not like those who forgot Allah (i.e. became disobedient to Allah) and He caused them to forget their ownselves, (let them to forget to do righteous deeds). Those are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)."19:59. Surah Al-Hashr (The Gathering)
Someone does not know the true reality of himself, who does not know the attributes of the one who created his soul. Scholars say the one who knows his/her soul then he/she would know his Lord. May Allah assist you in increasing faith and knowledge in him.
The young men and women from the companions lived with strong faith, for which Allah gave them great gifts. When the Prophet pbuh came to Madinah and stayed with his maternal uncle, at the time of his arrival children rushed out and welcomed him with great joy! He saw the strong faith these young children had in him. The connection of love with him and the faith was great. Generations after were also carrying this love for the Messenger and his Message.
After the death of the prophet, one of the companions went to battle and brought with him his son who was only 10. On the day of the battle, the Son came to the father and asked "O Father, do you have any messages I can convey to the messenger?" He replied "What do you mean?" The son replied - "I am yearning and longing to be with the Prophet and ask my Lord to grant me martyrdom in this battle." The father was shaken by this and hugged his son and said "O my son, if you beat me to the prophet pbuh then convey to him my Salaams." Allah fulfilled the hope of this young boy. What are 10 year old's attached to today? What do they hope for? What kind of love do they feel for Islam and the prophet?
We need to be courageous and rise to high stations so we can bring back history so that it will be present and been seen before us. And also we have a prophet who longed for us, before we longed for him. One day the prophet was in the Graveyard and said "We would love to see our brothers!" The companions asked: "Are we not your brothers and he replied you are my companions, my brothers are people who will come after me and will believe me without seeing me." Prior to our loving him, he the prophet loved us. The focal point of our faith is love for our creator and his messenger, until they are more beloved to us than everything other than them! The signs of this can appear, for example how are we in the morning at the time of Salah Fajr? We should encourage our children to pray the morning prayer in congregation in the morning, before they go to school.
Nothing will give light to your hearts like the Quran. And nothing is better than increasing your faith and warding off evil, like the Quran. The prophet pbuh said "Recite the Quran, for indeed it will be an intercessor on the day of rising for its companions". So someone who recited and reflected on it is from the companions of the Quran. But the one who is passionate about it and lost themselves in love for it are from the people of the Quran. O Allah! Make us the people of the Quran.
Send prayers and salaat on the prophet pbuh, particular on the night of Jumma (Thursday after Magrib). Also recommended is that every time you enter/exit your house, everytime you sleep and after every prayer to recite Ayat-tul-Kursi.
Pay attention to who your friends are and those who you keep company with. Choose those who are good, and stay away from those who are bad.
QURAN 2:152 - Therefore remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me, and reject not Me.
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