Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Only Living Sahabi... The Blessed Tree In Jordan | الشجرة المباركة في الأردن

A meditation on the themes of love of the Prophet , veneration of holy sites, grace and symbolism. This film tells the story of the meeting between the Prophet Muhammad and a Christian monk named Bahira. The meeting happened in the shade of a tree. Fourteen hundred years later that same tree was discovered still alive in the northern deserts of Jordan. The only tree alive in hundreds of square miles of emptiness. This tree is a link to the life of the Prophet and a place of pilgrimage today...

"The Prophet sitting under this tree, and its reacting to the Prophet makes the tree the only living terrestrial witness to the Prophet , what we would call in Arabic a sahabi." H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad

"In this place, we pray to God to make our hearts containers of the love of the Prophet." Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan Al-Buti

"That thing that deserves to be loved most is that which brings forth from the depths of our spirits the recollection of the Divine Name. The title of the Holy Prophet of Islam is Habib Allah, the Beloved of God. This hub, this love for the Prophet could be described as the great transformative emotion of Islam." Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad.

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