Monday, 7 March 2011

What Islam Says About Jesus

Muslims relationship with Jesus (Pbuh*)

This great mission is that, among the major signs of the final hour and among the keys of the huge deliverance that will dawn upon his Community of Islam, there will come a time on this earth when the call to the pre-morning  prayer will be raised in Damascus - at a certain white minaret East Of Damascus; the imam will want to step forward to lead the prayer when - lo and behold! - the people will watch in astonishment while our liege-lord Jesus descends from the heaven, his two hands resting on the wings of angels, his head seemingly dripping with water, wearing clothes which our liege-lord Muhammad (pbuh) described in great detail.  He said the colour of his clothes resembled saffron dye, as if his clothes had been dyed with saffron.

The final prophet of god, Muhammad described for us the very appearance of the clothes in which Jesus would descend! Such a great detailed description signifies nothing other than additional emphasis on reflection, perception and discernment for the meaning of our connection with this great master who was thus honoured by his Lord.

The Descent Of Jesus

Jesus will return.  When the Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi - a scion of the prophetic house - sees himas he was readying himself to lead the prayer, he will move back and say to our liege lord Jesus; "Step forward, Spirit from God!"

The spiritual state in which our liege lord Jesus will descend will be immense, it will be a heavenly state for one beloved of God among God's servants whom He caused to perdure in the nearest heaven for more than two thousand years.

Birth of Jesus in the Quran:

And the pangs of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of the palm tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this and had become a thing of naught, forgotten! - 19:23
And shake the trunk of the palm tree toward you, you will cause ripe dates to fall upon thee - 19:25
*Peace and blessings be upon him

May God make us and you qualified for this preparation. May He bless us 
and you with it. May He awaken us to its full meanings. May He make sweet 
for us its wellsprings. May He cause us to stop at its contents and secrets. 
May He cause us to attain realization with it outwardly and inwardly. 

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